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Why should we study language in daily life?

 Why should we study language in daily life? the answer takes a long time to explain

Language learning is important for many reasons. It helps us understand other people better, learn new things, and travel to places where our native tongue isn't spoken. But how much do you really need to know?

Why should we study language in daily life
Why should we study language in daily life?

Learning a new language helps people communicate better because it teaches them how to express themselves clearly and effectively. It also gives them an opportunity to practice speaking and listening skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

So the answer Why should we study language in daily life?

Learn a language to improve your career prospects.

Why should we study language in daily life
Improve your career

If you're looking to advance your career, learning a second language will help you connect with people who speak different languages than you. You'll also be able to use your knowledge of another language to make yourself more marketable as a translator or interpreter.

Traveling will open up new opportunities.

Why should we study language in daily life
New opportunities

There are plenty of reasons why you should learn a foreign language. One reason is because it opens up new opportunities. If you travel to a country where the majority of people speak a different language than you do, you'll be able to interact with them and build relationships. This will give you access to jobs that require you to work with people from other countries.

You'll have fun learning a new language.

Why should we study language in daily life
Have fun

Another reason to study a foreign language is because it helps you become a better communicator. People who speak multiple languages tend to be more effective at communicating with others. They're also more likely to understand what other people are saying when they speak a second language. You'll learn how to interact with people from other countries. If you want to improve your communication skills, learning another language will help you do so. This is especially true if you plan to travel internationally. You'll be able to converse with locals in their native tongue, which will make it easier to navigate unfamiliar places.

You'll get a better understanding of yourself.

Why should we study language in daily life
You will feel better

Learning a new language will give you a deeper insight into who you are as a person. By studying other cultures, you'll gain a greater appreciation for how others think and act. You'll also learn how to interact with them in a respectful manner. And here's how it works....

To learn a language, you need to study it every day. You should spend at least 15 minutes each day learning vocabulary words, grammar rules, and phrases. This will help you understand what you read and listen to, as well as give you a chance to practice using the language.

Learn new words.

Why should we study language in daily life
Learn new words

Learning new words helps you communicate more effectively with others. It also makes reading easier because you can use the new words to fill in gaps in your understanding. If you’re trying to learn Spanish, for example, you might start by looking up words related to food and cooking.

Practice speaking with native speakers.

Why should we study language in daily life

You can practice speaking with native speakers by watching them speak online. This will give you an idea of how they speak and what they say. You can also ask people who speak your target language to talk to you.

Read books written by people who speak different languages.

Why should we study language in daily life
Read Books

Reading books written by people who use your target language helps you learn more about the culture and history of your target language. It also gives you insight into the daily life of those who speak your target language.


Watch movies and TV shows that feature foreign characters.

Why should we study language in daily life
Watching Tv

Watching movies and TV shows with foreign characters will give you an idea of how people communicate in other countries. You might even find yourself learning new words and phrases as you watch these films and TV shows.
